GAA Buyers’ Guide app for iPhone and iPad
The Gravure Association of America annually compiles its Buyers Guide, the only gravure-specific directory of its kind. There are nearly 200 companies profiled in this year’s guide. Youll find information about companies in all segments of the gravure industry - including packaging product, and publication printers. Equipment and materials suppliers also make a strong showing here, and weve included a section on gravure training programs and educational institutions. The guide is arranged into nine categories: Industry Consultancies, Digital Workflow Services & Supplies, Gravure Related Services, Machinery & Equipment, Blades, Tools & Supplies, Inks, Coatings & Pigments, Paper & Fiber Substrates, Film, Foil & Plastic Substrates, Packaging Printers, Product/Decorative Printers, Publication Printers, and Education & Training.